How Do You Troubleshoot the Java Compilation Error “cannot find symbol”?

Problem scenario
You try to compile a Java program with a javac command. You get this error: error: cannot find symbol
symbol: class foo
location: class bar

What should you do?

Possible solution
In some cases you need a keyword “new”, but in other cases you need to not have the keyword “new”.

Are you using the word “new” to the right of an equals sign “=”?

Why Would Boto3 Not Show a Peering Connection That the AWS CLI Shows?

Problem scenario
You have found an AWS CLI command that shows you output consistent with the console. You run this:

aws ec2 describe-vpc-peering-connection –region us-west-2 | grep pcx-abcd1234

The results show you a peering connection called pcx-abcd1234

You run this from a Python3 interpreter prompt:

import boto3
foo = boto3.resource(‘ec2’)

You then search the output for pcx-abcd1234. You do not see it.