How Do You Upload a Docker Image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry?

Problem scenario
You created your own Docker image.  You want to upload it to a repository so it is available to other servers.  You want to upload a Docker image from your server into ECR (in AWS).  You do not know the name of the repository.  How do you do this?


a.  This assumes that ECR has been set up.  If you need assistance,

How Do You Use “sudo npm” or “sudo node” Commands?

Problem scenario
You run “sudo npm” or “sudo node” and you get “command not found” error messages.  What should you do?

Modify the /etc/sudoers file.  Find the stanza with secure_path.  Append “:/usr/local/bin” (with no quotes) to the line.

Here is an example of how the stanza should look (it is often on line 80 of /etc/sudoers):

Defaults    secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin

Once the /etc/sudoers file has been saved,

After Installing Jira on a RHEL Server, How Do You Access the Web UI for Jira?

Problem scenario
You installed Jira 7.x on RHEL 7.x in AWS.  You try to go to the URL to finish installing and configuring it, but the web UI does not load.  On the back-end you see that there is a service listening on port 8080 (with a sudo netstat -anlp | grep 8080 command).  You know that now AWS Security Group is blocking port 8080 from the external IP address of the server.

How Do You Install Jira on a Linux Server?

Problem scenario
How do you install Jira on any distribution of Linux (e.g., CentOS/RHEL/Fedora, Debian/Ubuntu, or SUSE)?

Do you have 3 GB of RAM?  1 GB of RAM will work, but you only if you have 2 GB of virtual memory.  (With 1 GB of RAM or less and no virtual memory on the server, the installation will fail.  The catalina.out log will report an error about insufficient memory.) 

How Do You Install Jira on a Linux Server when It Is Hanging during the “Initializing the plugin system” Stage?

Problem scenario
You are trying to install Jira on Linux.  You log into the web UI to finish configuration.  The process stalls at this stage:

”    Finishing your setup

    Now sit back while we set up your JIRA instance. It will take a minute or two to complete.

    Configuring your database

    Initializing the plugin system – Don’t worry, I’m still working…”

On the back-end you may notice the server’s load average gets above 5. 

How Do You Install Apache Avro?

Problem scenario
You have a Linux server (a Debian/Ubuntu, CentOS/RedHat/Fedora or SUSE distribution).  You want to install Apache Avro.  What do you do?

These directions work for any type of Linux.

#1  Do one of the following (either option A or option B).

Option A
Find the latest download from here and download it.

Option B
cd /tmp
curl >

What Can Be Done to Enhance the Reliability and Performance of a Jira Server?

Problem scenario
You find that your Jira is very slow and sometimes stalls or hangs when it is being used.  The Linux back-end of the Jira server shows considerable CPU and memory constraints.  When Jira is up on the back end you use the Linux “top” command, you find that the CPU and RAM are being heavily utilized.  You want to optimize the system for improved performance. 

How Do You Troubleshoot Connecting to an RDS Instance?

Problem scenario
You created a DB instance in RDS.  You cannot connect to it.  What should you do?

1.  Make sure that it is “Available.”  It could have been turned off.
2.  Click on the Instance and confirm the relevant Security Group allows you to connect to it.
3.  Click on the Instance and search for “Publicly accessible”.  Make sure this is set to “Yes.”  If it is set to “No” you may have to take a snapshot of the instance and launch that snapshot with the “Publicly accessible” option.