Sorting Algorithm Quiz & Answers

1. What of the following requires the most memory space?

a. Quick Sort
b. Bubble Sort
c. Merge Sort
d. Insertion Sort
e. Selection Sort

Answer: C. Source:,%20O%20%28n%29%20%2010%20more%20rows%20

2. What sorting algorithm is canonically the best for data sets that cannot reside in memory (and must be persisted to disk)?

a. Radix sort
b. Bubble sort

Object-Oriented Programming Quiz & Answers

1. What are the three types of design patterns?

Answer: Creational, behavioral, structural. Source: Page XV of Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

2. As a recommended practice in OOP, which is preferred?

a. Object composition
b. Class inheritance
c. Programming to an implementation
d. none of the above

Answer: A. Source: Page 20 of Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software


AWS Quiz Answers

1. Which is one of the five pillars of a well-architected AWS framework?

a. Archived versions (of IaC)
b. Disaster Recovery
c. Monitoring
d. Performance Efficiency
e. None of the above

Answer: D. Source:

2. Signature version 4 is which of the following?

a. A certificate file from Amazon Web Security.
b. An SSL public key for AWS.

Terraform Quiz with Answers

If you have not taken the quiz yet, here is a link to test your own knowledge.

1. What is the remote state in Terraform?

A centralized data store with the parameters of the desired configuration for Terraform runs. The parameters for the desired configuration are referred to as a state file in the context of Terraform.

Whereas an individual may use Terraform with the default local state (a local file with desired state configuration data),

OpenStack and Virtualization API Quiz with Answers

OpenStack and Virtualization API Quiz with Answers 
(For the DevOps and ETL Quiz, click here.  For the answers to the DevOps and ETL Quiz, click here.  For the Python Quiz, click here.  For the answers to the Python Quiz, click here.)

1.  What are the HTTP operations associated with the acronym CRUD?

Answer: CRUD stands for Create,