Why is a Furnace Constantly Heating beyond the Thermostat’s Temperature?

Problem scenario
A furnace keeps getting hot exceeding the desired temperature of the thermostat. It never stops and is creating a great deal of heat. What could be wrong?

Possible Solution #1
It could be a thermostat issue. Can you replace the thermostat or remove it from the wall to see if that stops the heater? If it keeps getting hot, see the other options below.

How Do You Swap a Cryptocurrency in Coinbase Wallet when You Get “You need ETH before you can make a transaction on the Ethereum network” as an Error?

Problem scenario
You are using the Coinbase wallet. You try to swap a currency. You click on “Find best price.” But you see “You need ETH before you can make a transaction on the Ethereum network.”

You do have ETH in your wallet. How do you proceed?

Possible Solution #1
Use the Coinbase Wallet app on a phone instead of the website version.

How Do You Add a Human Note to Coinbase Activity?

Problem scenario
You have sent cryptocurrency from your Coinbase account to an outside account (e.g., to Kraken.com, Changelly.com, Binance.us, or a wallet). You want to add some information to help you remember what it was for. How do you affix self-written content to the records in Coinbase?


  1. Log into Coinbase.
  2. Go here: https://accounts.coinbase.com/taxes/activity/edits/needs-review

How Do You Create a Report in Coinbase of Your Activity?

Problem scenario
You want to produce a report (e.g., a .csv file or a spreadsheet) that shows trading activity in Coinbase. What do you do?

Possible Solution #1
1. Go to https://accounts.coinbase.com/taxes/documents
2. Go to “Custom Reports”.
3. For the top drop-down, go to “Gain/loss report (CSV)”.
4. For the second drop-down, choose the one you want.

How Do You Get an Adjustable Height Desk to Go Down All The Way?

Problem scenario
Your sit-stand desk (possibly model 10240-C150-22-PJ) shows “73.0” on the display, but it seems higher than normal. Your wrists hurt, and you wish it could go down farther. Is there a way to bring the desk lower?

Background: The lighted display may not indicate the correct height. A power outage could have “confused” the sit-stand desk, and a reset can be necessary from time-to-time.

What Can You Do to Prevent Spam Comments to Your Website?

Problem scenario
You spend too much time reviewing non-sensical or spammy comments on your website. You have to review 10 to 20 messages per day. What can you do to have a Turing Test to ensure you have “real” comments only on your website?

You should implement a Captcha plugin. A simple captcha (e.g., an arithmetical problem) can greatly reduce the low-quality bot-produced spam messages to your website.

What Did Mark Rippetoe Say about the Battle of the Hips and the Back in a Deadlift?

Problem scenario
You remember that Mark Rippetoe said something about the hips and the back battling in the deadlift. What was this about?

“The back muscles and the hamstrings are in a war for control over your pelvic position, and the lower back must win.”

Listen or watch this video (which is set to the two-minute 30-second mark): https://youtu.be/p2OPUi4xGrM?t=149

Behind the Screens: Advanced Strategies for Insider Risk Prevention

Image via Freepik

Managing remote teams is more common than ever in today’s increasingly digital world. However, with this convenience comes a heightened risk of insider threats. There are recommended practices to mitigate these risks and protect your organization’s data. Techdeck.info shares some comprehensive strategies to help you achieve this goal (by providing some different perspectives compared to what is normally on continualintegration.com):

Reinforce Robust Password Protocols

Enforcing strong password policies is vital to safeguarding your remote team.

What Exchange Can a U.S. Citizen Use to Transfer BUSD to?

Problem scenario
No one can convert BUSD on Binance.us to another type of cryptocurrency. A U.S. Citizen wants to transfer BUSD to a new exchange from Binance.us. Which one is available?

Coinbase. WARNING: You will not be able to convert BUSD to a different cryptocurrency or sell it for US dollars on Coinbase.

To exchange BUSD to something else,