Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf
Instant RabbitMQ Messaging Application Development How-to by Andrew Keig
Learning RabbitMQ by Martin Toshev
Mastering RabbitMQ by Emrah Ayanoglu, Yusuf Aytas and Dotan Nahum
Production-Ready Microservices: Building Standardized Systems Across an Engineering Organization by Susan J. Fowler
RabbitMQ Cookbook by Sigismondo Boschi and Gabriele Santomaggio
RabbitMQ Essentials by David Dossot
RabbitMQ in Action: Distributed Messaging for Everyone by Alvaro Videla and Jason J. W. Williams
RabbitMQ: Questions and Answers by George Duckett
Storm Applied: Strategies for real-time event processing by Sean T. Allen, Matthew Jankowski and Peter Pathirana
Streaming Data: Understanding the real-time pipeline by Andrew Psaltis