A List of SalesForce Books

10 Salesforce Survival Tips: Lower Your Cost and Reduce Risk with These Must-Have Tips by Matthew Botos
Account Planning in Salesforce by Donal Daly
Advanced Apex Programming for Salesforce.com and Force.com by Dan Appleman
Apex Design Patterns by Jitendra Zaa and Anshul Verma
Building Salesforce Community: Custom Development and Administration by Michael Slim
Developing Applications with Salesforce Chatter by Rakesh Gupta and Sagar Pareek
Development with the Force.com Platform: Building Business Applications in the Cloud (3rd Edition) (Developer's Library) by Jason Ouellette
Force.com Enterprise Architecture by Andrew Fawcett  
Force.com Platform Fundamentals: An Introduction to Custom Application Development in the Cloud by Phil Choi
How to code in apex?: Cloud for all. by Utsav Gargsh   (This book is more for SalesForce programmers starting to learn Apex.)
Introduction to Salesforce Administration & Configuration (SPADM-203): Class Slides & Exercises plus Sample Exam Questions by Steve Wasula and Stony Point
Introduction to Salesforce Analytics - Building Reports and Dashboards: Class Slides & Workbook for SPRD-101 by Steve Wasula and Stony Point  
Introduction to Salesforce for Service: Class Slides & Notebook for SPCS-101 by Steve Wasula and Stony Point  
Learning Apex Programming by Matt Kaufman and Michael Wicherski
Learning Salesforce Einstein by Mohith Shrivastava
Learning Salesforce Visual Workflow by Rakesh Gupta
Lightning Sales Ops: Building Salesforce for Sales Development Teams by Matt Bertuzzi
Mastering Application Development with Force.com by Kevin J. Poorman
Mastering Salesforce CRM Administration by Rakesh Gupta
Maximizing Your Sales with Salesforce.com by Edward Kachinske, Stacy Roach, Carol Gilliland and Timothy Kachinske
Measure Salesforce Effectiveness: successful sales strategy by Mark Nelson
Practical Salesforce.com Development Without Code: Customizing Salesforce on the Force.com Platform by Philip Weinmeister
Pro Salesforce Analytics Cloud: A Guide to Wave Platform, Builder, and Explorer by William Smith and Helen Sun
SalesForce 2020 by Thomas A. Freese
Salesforce Administration: Rapid Learning and Just-in-Time Support by Ivor Goreta
Salesforce Certified Sales Consultant: Exam Preparation Study Guide & Workbook (SPCON-102) by Steve Wasula and Stony Point
Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant Exam Preparation Class (SPCON-101) by Steve Wasula and Stony Point
Salesforce.com Customization Handbook by Rakesh Gupta and Sagar Pareek
Salesforce.com For Dummies by Liz Kao and Jon Paz
Salesforce.com Lightning Process Builder and Visual Workflow: A Practical Guide to Model-Driven Development on the Force.com Platform by Jonathan Keel
Salesforce.com Secrets of Success: Best Practices for Growth and Profitability (2nd Edition) by David Taber
Salesforce CRM Admin Cookbook by Paul Goodey
Salesforce CRM - The Definitive Admin Handbook - Fourth Edition by Paul Goodey
Salesforce Essentials for Administrators by Mohith Shrivastava
SalesForce Guide by Eric Kramer
Salesforce Handbook by Wes Nolte and Jeff Douglas
Salesforce Leads, Contacts & Accounts for Beginners: The quick and simple way to track your leads, contacts, vendors, customers and partners in Salesforce (Getting Started with Salesforce Book 1) by David Giller
Salesforce Marketing Cloud For Dummies by Chester Bullock
Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification Handbook by Siddhesh Kabe
Salesforce Programming (2017 Edition): Questions and Answers by George Duckett
Salesforce Reporting and Dashboards by Johan Yu
Salesforce Service Cloud: Certification and Implementation Study Guide by Joe Poozhikunnel
Salesforce Service Cloud For Dummies by Jon Paz and T. J. Kelley
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Salesforce.com (Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech)) by Justin Davis and Kristine Curington
Visualforce Development Cookbook by Keir Bowden  
Wagner's Salesforce Playbook by Mr Kenneth Wagner

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