Behind the Screens: Advanced Strategies for Insider Risk Prevention

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Managing remote teams is more common than ever in today’s increasingly digital world. However, with this convenience comes a heightened risk of insider threats. There are recommended practices to mitigate these risks and protect your organization’s data. shares some comprehensive strategies to help you achieve this goal (by providing some different perspectives compared to what is normally on

Reinforce Robust Password Protocols

Enforcing strong password policies is vital to safeguarding your remote team.

How Do You Get Wordpad to Print Blue Hyperlinks with Only Black Ink?

Problem scenario
Some URLs are hyperlinked in the soft-copy of a Wordpad document. You want them to print black. You highlight the blue URL and make the text black. But the blue text does not show up when you print the file in hardcopy. How do you get the text to print out in black?

1. In Wordpad, with the document open,

Given that George Washington disliked George Mason for not signing the Constitution, why did Washington accept Edmund Randolph?

Problem scenario
Edmund Randolph was the attorney general under George Washington. George Washington evidently trusted Edmund Randolph. But George Washington did not forgive George Mason for refusing to sign the Constitution. Why was Edmund Randolph different?

Possible Answer
At the Virginia ratification convention, George Mason voted “no,” but Edmund Randolph voted “yes.”

The source of Edmund Randolph doing these things is

What Did Galambos Say That Charles Henry Lee Referred to the Declaration of Independence as Mangled?

Problem scenario
In the book The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Paine, and Your Freedom by Andrew J. Galambos on page 145 refers to Charles Henry Lee talking about the Declaration of Independence as a mangled document. Was it Charles Henry Lee or Richard Henry Lee?

It was Richard Henry Lee who referred to the Declaration of Independence as “mangled.” The reference to “Charles” appears to be a typo;

Why Does the Declaration of Independence Study Guide say Henry Lee Moved for Proclaiming Independence?

The top of the first page says “The work needed to be completed before Henry Lee’s motion proclaiming independence was due for debate on July 1…” Why does Dr. David Head’s laminated study guide refer to Henry Lee moving for independence from Great Britain?

It is a mistake. It should say Richard Henry Lee.

The laminated guide is not bad all-in-all.

Can Windows Systems Be More Secure than Linux?

Can Windows systems be more secure than Linux?

Yes. One example is the OpenSSH vulnerability that was disclosed in July of 2024. OpenSSH users on Linux were susceptible to a bug.

…we have concluded that Windows installations are not vulnerable.

What Is The Command to Find What Version of SSH You Are Using?

Problem scenario
You are concerned you have an older, vulnerable version of OpenSSH. What command should you run to see what version you are using?

ssh -V

Versions from 4.4p1 up to, but not including, 8.5p1 are not vulnerable due to a transformative patch for CVE-2006-5051, which made a previously unsafe function secure.