A List of Apache Spark Books

99 Apache Spark Interview Questions for Professionals by Yogesh Kumar
Advanced Analytics with Spark: Patterns for Learning from Data at Scale by Juliet Hougland, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, Sandy Ryza and Josh Wills
Apache Spark 2 for Beginners by Rajanarayanan Thottuvaikkatumana
Apache Spark in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself by Jeffrey Aven
Apache Spark for Data Science Cookbook by Padma Priya Chitturi
Apache Spark for Java Developers by Sumit Kumar and Sourav Gulati
Apache Spark Graph Processing by Rindra Ramamonjison
Apache Spark Interview Question & Answers by Naman Goel (Editor)
Apache Spark Machine Learning Blueprints by Alex Liu
Apache Spark Machine Learning Cookbook by Siamak Amirghodsi
Apache Spark Scala Interview Questions: Shyam Mallesh by Shyam Mallesh
Big Data Analytics with Spark: A Practitioner's Guide to Using Spark for Large Scale Data Analysis by Mohammed Guller
Big Data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems  by Nathan Marz  and James Warren
Big Data SMACK: A Guide to Apache Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra, and Kafka by Raul Estrada and Isaac Ruiz
Data Algorithms: Recipes for Scaling Up with Hadoop and Spark by Mahmoud Parsian
Deep Learning: A Practitioner's Approach by Josh Patterson  and  Adam Gibson
Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition by Krishna Sankar and Holden Karau
High Performance Spark: Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark by Holden Karau and Rachel Warren
Learning Apache Spark 2.0 by Asif Abbasi
Learning Real Time processing with Spark Streaming by Sumit Gupta
Learning Spark: Analytics With Spark Framework by Joseph Moore
Learn Spark In A DAY: The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of Spark In No Time (Spark, Spark Course, Spark Development, Spark Books, Spark for Beginners) by Acodemy
Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Big Data Analysis by Holden Karau, Andy Konwinski, Patrick Wendell and Matei Zaharia
Learning Spark Streaming: Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark by Francois Garillot
Machine Learning with Spark - Tackle Big Data with Powerful Spark Machine Learning Algorithms by Nick Pentreath
Mastering Apache Spark by Mike Frampton
Mastering Apache Spark 2.0 - Second Edition by Romeo Kienzler
Pro Spark Streaming: The Zen of Real-Time Analytics Using Apache Spark by Zubair Nabi
Spark: Big Data Cluster Computing in Production  by Ilya Ganelin, Ema Orhian, Kai Sasaki and Brennon York
Python Data Science Essentials - Second Edition by Alberto Boschetti  and Luca Massaron
Spark Cookbook by Rishi Yadav
Spark for Data Science Cookbook by Padma Priya Chitturi
Spark for Python Developers by Amit Nandi
Spark GraphX in Action by Michael Malak  and Robin East
Spark in Action by Petar Zecevic and Marko Bonaci
Spark Tutorials with Scala: The Beginner's Guide by Todd McGrath

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