Problem scenarios
One or both of the following applies to your situation:
#1 In Linux you try to move a directory that is not read only (e.g., its permissions are rwxrwxrwx or 777). You get an error about it being read-only. Your user is the owner of the directory.
#2 You are running an Ansible playbook and trying to change the attributes of the file. You get a failure message like this: "Err no 30: read-only" when you run the playbook.
What should you do?
Possible Solution #1
With shared directories you can get an error about it being read-only when it is not read-only. Try to copy the directory and its contents to a different location (e.g., cp -R /path/of/source /path/to/destination). Delete or remove the problem directory. Now use the backed up directory in the new location for whatever purposes you need.
Possible Solution #2
Stop sharing of the directory momentarily. Then you may be able to perform the operation.
Possible Solution #3
Reboot the server that appeared to be the cause of the problem. Perhaps there is a corruption issue or the apparent permissions need to be updated. Rebooting may fix the problem or help you diagnose the problem.