Problem scenario
You want to use Ansible with Linux SUSE. How do you install Ansible (the control node) on an AWS Instance of Linux SUSE?
You must have 2.5 GB of memory (either in RAM or with a combination of RAM and swap space). For directions on how to configure swap space in the amount of 2 GB, see this posting. You have installed Git too.
1. Make sure your server is in a Security Group that allows it to have access to the Internet.
2. Create a file called /tmp/ with the following content:
zypper -n install python-setuptools
cd /tmp
git clone git:// --recursive
mv ansible /usr/local/
cd /usr/local/ansible
echo 'PATH="$PATH":/usr/local/ansible/bin' > /etc/profile.d/
python build
python install
echo 'Run "export PATH="$PATH":/usr/local/ansible/bin" to immediately start using Ansible'
echo 'Then you can run "ansible --version" to confirm it was installed'
3. Run it with sudo bash /tmp/