While some people recommend you purchase a wallet, if you do not mind storing your crypto on a third party platform, you could earn interest.
Some of the advertised rates are above 5%. The cryptocurrency is not backed by FDIC. To learn more about how it works, see these postings:
- https://interest.coinmarketcap.com/
- https://jeangalea.com/best-crypto-interest-accounts/
- https://thecollegeinvestor.com/34109/top-crypto-savings-accounts/
- https://blockfi.com/crypto-interest-account/
- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/this-crypto-startup-is-offering-86-interest-on-savings-accounts-123-x-the-national-average-132050019.html
If you want to receive free cryptocurrency by just learning more, try Coinbase; it is ideal for Americans. For Europeans, the platform/company Iconomi.com can allow you to buy crypto or learn more.