What States Have Double Taxation on Income for Remote Workers?

Problem scenario
“People who work in a state they do not live in may be subject to income tax withholding for both states.” (This quote was taken from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/legal-and-compliance/employment-law/pages/hybrid-work-legal-challenges.aspx.)

You read that some states make the remote employee pay income tax in addition to other taxes where the employer is located. What states are these?


Is It Legal to Ask about Salary/Compensation History?

Problem scenario
You are not sure if an employer can ask your salary history. The job application asks you to enter your salary history. Is it legal in the USA to ask a candidate about their previous salary history?

Maybe. For some states, the law only applies to the state government. It depends on the state, the city or possibly the type of employer.

Are Income Taxes on a Bonus the Same Rate as a Regular Paycheck?

Problem scenario
You heard that income tax on a company’s bonus are taxed at a higher rate. Is this true?

Yes. To calculate your approximate tax liability, you could use this website for informational purposes:

(You may want to talk to an accountant before relying on the statements here. This is not legal or tax advice.)

Is It Possible for an I.T. Staffing Company to Provide Notice that Your Contract Will End?

Problem scenario
A staffing company wants you to agree to give a 15 or 30 day notice before you voluntarily leave. But they have to give you no notice. One attorney said that in that business model, this is common. Another attorney says that it is not unreasonable to ask for this clause to be reciprocal. You do not think that the company will agree to making it reciprocal.

Amazing Growth for I.T. Jobs in Security

In November of 2017 Continualintegration.com posted What is DevSecOps (or DevOpsSec, SecDevOps, or rugged DevOps)?. At the time, Indeed found 192 jobs with a search for “devsecops”. Today, 2/10/22, in four years and three months later, Indeed returns 19,002 jobs for a search of “devsecops.” There are roughly 100x as many jobs now that include the word “devsecops” on Indeed. The website has grown, but this is still an amazing finding.