How Do You Create an EC-2 Instance Running RHEL 8.x in the AWS Web UI?

Problem scenario
You want to use the AWS Management Console to create a server. What do you do?


This assumes you have already configured a .ppk file, and you know its password. If you need assistance, see this posting.


  1. Log into the AWS management console (
  2. Go to the EC2 Dashboard.
  3. Click "Launch instances"
  4. Find "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8…" and choose "Select"
  5. Choose the various options, and then click "Next…". Often the default settings work -- except for the "Configure Security Group" setting. Find the appropriate Security Group and click "Review and Launch".
  6. Click "Launch". To the pop up, choose "Select a key pair" associated with the .pem file that created the .ppk file for which you know the password.
  7. Click "I acknowledge that I have access…", and click "Launch instances".

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