How Do You Create and Store an Application-Level Secret on the AWS Cloud?

Problem scenario
You want to create and save an application-level secret in AWS. What do you do?

Use Secrets Manager.


  1. Log into the AWS console.
  2. Go to "Secrets Manager"
  3. Click "Store a new secret"
  4. For the secret type choose "Other type of secrets".
  5. For the left-most field, enter the username. For the right-most field enter the password.
  6. Choose the encryption key of your choice. Click "Next."
  7. Enter a "Secret" name. Enter text into any of the optional fields if you want. Click "Next".
  8. You may want to keep automatic rotation disabled. If you are to use automatic rotation, you have to have a Lambda function created. If you need assistance, see this posting. Click "Next".
  9. You may or may not want to copy some of the sample code to retrieve the secret in your application.
  10. Click "Store".

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