How Do You Deal with Hamstring Pain?

Problem scenario
You have been sitting for a long time (either driving or using a computer). Now a hamstring is hurting whenever you sit. What should you do?

Possible Solution #1
Talk to a medical doctor about your condition.

Possible Solution #2
You may want an ottoman to stretch your hamstrings while sitting. Some are hollow that can act as a box to not use too much real estate under your desk or in your living room.

Possible Solution #3
To stand more frequently, you could buy a sit-stand table also known as a standing desk. Be aware that the more affordable sit-stand tables may have some potential disadvantages. The tabletops themselves may have seams (to make it easy to transport by having possibly three of four different panels that are assembled); you may want a mousepad or a clipboard to mitigate the seam on the surface of the table. Some affordable models may not go down as far as you would like when you adjust the height.

Possible Solution #4
Stretch your hamstrings and stand more frequently. Are you using a treadmill regularly? It may help to walk/run on real ground.

Possible Solution #5
Be careful to not injure yourself; you may want to do the splits if you can. You may want to start slowly on a bed. It can help you stretch better than if you were just doing conventional stretches. Here are videos to help you:

Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical advice. This informational only.

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