How Do You Deploy Jenkins 2.X to Ubuntu Linux in AWS?

Problem scenario
You have an Ubuntu server in AWS with 0.5 GB of RAM.  You want to install Jenkins on it without installing an "apt-transport-http" package.  (You are ok with using an "apt-get upgrade" command on the Linux server.)  How do you do this?

(If you do not want to run "apt-get upgrade", and you can install "apt-transport-http", then see this posting.  Otherwise proceed with the below.)

Install Java.  See this posting if you need assistance.

1.  Run these commands from the command line prompt of the Ubuntu Linux server:

sudo apt-get -y update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade & sudo apt-get -y upgrade

# When you see the "Package configuration" menu that says "Configuring grub-pc" press the tab key (to get to the "Ok" option for "keep the local version currently installed").  Then press the enter key.  In other words, press the tab key when you see this (and then press the enter key):

2.  After the above finishes processing and you are returned to a command prompt, run these commands:
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo deb binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install jenkins
sudo systemctl start jenkins
 # to find the external IP address of the server

3.  Go back to your workstation with a GUI and open a web browser.  Go to this URL where x.x.x.x is the IP address obtained from the curl command above:  http://x.x.x.x:8080

Ensure (e.g., in the AWS Console) that the relevant security group allows for inbound connections over port 8080 (unless you configured a different port) from your workstation.

4.  In the web browser, enter the initial password.  You may need to use sudo to access the file from the Linux back-end after you see the path to the file is shown in the web browser.  You will then click choose "Install Suggested Plugins."  Enter the fields as requested for the "First Admin User."  Click "Save and Finish."  You are done.

A server with 0.5 GB of RAM will be sufficient for Jenkins as a development test server.  If you will put a considerable load on Jenkins, you will need a server with more memory.  If you want Jenkins to push files (or integrate code) to other servers, see this posting.

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