How Do You Install CentOS when the Installation Source Option is a URL Exclusively (without an Option for a Local ISO)?

Problem scenario
You are trying to install CentOS in an offline manner. You get to the "Installation Summary" screen. The Software section says "Installation Source…Setting up installation source." There is a yellow triangle with an exclamation point near the "Installation Source" button. The "Begin installation" button is grayed out. You want to choose a local ISO, and you thought it was installing via a local ISO. You do not have access to the internet. You have no choice in the "Installation Source" menu screen to choose a local ISO file (e.g., a DVD, thumb drive or other source on a hard disk). How do you start the installation without using a netinstall URL?

Start over with different installation media. The problem being described is consistent with using a "boot" ISO. Those help get you started booting up, but they may not have the full image to install CentOS. Is the word "boot" in the .iso file that you are using? If so, you will want the word "dvd" to be in the .iso file.

To retrieve new media, try this link:

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