This assumes you have installed Java. If you need assistance with installing Java, see this posting. This assumes you have a server with 4 GB of memory (e.g., virtual memory and RAM in an amount greater than 4 GB). The command to run to see how much memory you need is this one: free -mh
If you need more memory, see this posting.
Step #1 Run this script:
curl$version-x86_64.rpm > /tmp/elasticsearch-$version-x86_64.rpm
curl$version.rpm > /tmp/logstash-$version.rpm
curl > /tmp/kibana-$version-x86_64.rpm
rpm -i /tmp/*$version*.rpm
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
systemctl start elasticsearch.service
Step #2 To route traffic from a website (e.g., port 80), install Nginx. For directions on how to do this, click this posting for CentOS/RHEL/Fedora or see this posting if you have Debian/Ubuntu. Configure it as a reverse proxy to route the traffic. For directions on how to do this, see this posting.