How Do You Install Molecule on RHEL v. 8.x with Python 3?

Problem scenario
You want to make and test Ansible roles, and therefore you want to use Molecule. You are using RHEL version 8.x. You want to use Python 3 and Molecule. What should you do?

i. You should install Docker. If you need assistance, see this posting.
ii. You should install these packages before hand:

sudo yum -y install gcc python3-devel
sudo dnf install -y redhat-rpm-config

1. Run these commands:

sudo python3 -m pip install virtualenv
sudo python3 -m virtualenv my_env
source my_env/bin/activate
sudo yum install -y python3-devel 
sudo python3 -m pip install molecule docker
molecule init role -r ansible-apache -d docker
cd ansible-apache
molecule test

2.a. Run this command: vi tasks/main.yml
2.b. Delete what is there. Put this there instead:

- name: "Ensure required packages are present"
    name: "{{ pkg_list }}"
    state: present

- name: "Ensure latest index.html is present"
    src: index.html.j2
    dest: /var/www/html/index.html

- name: "Ensure httpd service is started and enabled"
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: started
    enabled: true
  with_items: "{{ svc_list }}"

- name: "Whitelist http in firewalld"
    service: http
    state: enabled
    permanent: true
    immediate: true

3. Run this command: mkdir templates

4.a. Run this command: vi templates/index.html.j2
4.b. Put this there and save the file:

<div style="text-align: center">
    <h2>Managed by Ansible</h2>

5.a. Run this command: vi vars/main.yml
5.b. Delete what is there. Place this code starting at the first non-blank line:

  - httpd
  - firewalld
  - httpd
  - firewalld

6.a. Run this command: vi molecule/default/tests/
6.b. Eliminate the content that you find. Place these lines in the place of the old content:

import os
import pytest

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkg', [
def test_pkg(host, pkg):
    package = host.package(pkg)

    assert package.is_installed

@pytest.mark.parametrize('svc', [
def test_svc(host, svc):
    service = host.service(svc)

    assert service.is_running
    assert service.is_enabled

@pytest.mark.parametrize('file, content', [
  ("/etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml", "<service name=\"http\"/>"),
  ("/var/www/html/index.html", "Managed by Ansible")
def test_files(host, file, content):
    file = host.file(file)

    assert file.exists
    assert file.contains(content)

7. Run this command: molecule test

8. You are done. The above directions were adapted from a DigitalOcean tutorial here.

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