How Do You Resize a Server in Google Cloud Platform?

Problem scenario
You want to increase the amount of RAM that a VM instance has in GCP.  How do you do this?

Possible Solution #1
1.  Log into Google Cloud Platform
2.  In the "Cloud Engine" screen click on VM "instances."
3.  You should see a list of VM instances.  Under the "Recommendation" tab you will see "Increase perf."  Click on this. If you do not see "Increase perf", stop the machine. Then click on its hyperlinked name. Then click on "Edit". In the "Machine type" section click the drop down menu to resize the server to a different combination of CPU and memory.
4.  A pop-up will appear called "Resize instance."  Click "APPLY".
5.  Note that when the server is resized it may have a new external IP address.

Possible Solution #2
This solution was tested in January of 2019.
1. In the GCP console go to VM instances.
2. Check the box on the left for the server.
3. Click the "STOP" button near the top.
4. Click on the name of the VM instance which should be hyperlinked.
5. In the "VM instance details" page, click "EDIT".
6. In the "Machine type" section, click "Customize."
7. Select the number of cores and the amount of Memory you desire.
8. Scroll to the bottom and click "Save".

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