Problem scenario
You want to send one email to multiple people. You tried separating the email addresses with a comma or semicolon but you received this message: "555 5.5.4 Unsupported option:"
You do not know how to send an email with a subject via the Postfix command prompt. How do you send an email to multiple people with "Re:" content of your choice?
You need to have Postfix installed and configured. If you are using a RedHat distribution (e.g., a CentOS or Fedora distribution), see this posting. If you are using an Ubuntu or Debian distribution, you may want to see if the RedHat posting directions can help you, but Postfix may already be installed and semi-configured. If you need assistance doing this with Linux SUSE, see this posting.
Run these commands:
telnet <mail hostname> 25
helo <mail hostname>
mail from:
rcpt to:
rcpt to:
rcpt to:
Subject: Your Subject Here
all the content you want here. It is your message.
An Alternative Way To Send Email
Another way to do this is with Python; to learn how to use Python and not install anything else, see this external posting.