Problem scenario
You get an error such as this on a Linux server:
"Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method oracle/jdbc/driver/OraclePrepreadStatementWrapper.setBinaryStream (IL java/io/InputStream;)V is abstract at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.setBinaryStream ("
What should you do?
Possible Solution #1
If you are doing Java coding, have you imported the packages needed for the line of Java code that is throwing this error?
Possible Solution #2
If you are using JBoss, an Atlassian tool, SonarQube, or some web application written in Java, try to reinstall Java on that web application server. If you need help with this, see this posting after Java has been removed.
Possible Solution #3
Was the database upgraded recently? If there is a database involved, you may need a newer .jar file for a driver to connect to the database.