How Do You Use the Bisect Module in Python?

Problem scenario
You want to use bisect in Python. How do you do this?


# This program was adapted from code found 

import bisect
def grade(score, breakpoints=[60, 70, 80, 90], grades='FDCBA'):
     i = bisect.bisect(breakpoints, score)
     return grades[i]

x = [grade(score) for score in [71, 88, 94]]
import bisect
def whether(temperature, breakpoints=[38, 70, 80, 100], descriptors=["cold", "cool", "warm", "hot", "very hot"]):
     i = bisect.bisect(breakpoints, temperature)
     return descriptors[i]

#descriptions = [whether(temperature) for temperature in [71, 88, 94]]
descriptions = [whether(temperature) for temperature in [11, 68, 104]]

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