How Do You Write Tic-Tac-Toe in JavaScript?

Problem scenario
You want to write a program using JavaScript. You want to play Tic-Tac-Toe. What do you do?


1. Save the file below as contint.html to your computer.
2. Open a web browser, preferably Firefox.
3. View the HTML file on your computer via the web browser. (e.g., c:\path\to\contint.html)

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>Play Tic-Tac-Toe with Anyone You Can Share a Keyboard With</h2>
<p> </p>
<p> ***************************************************************</p>
<p> To make your mark, use the legend below for your position: </p>
<p> ltc is left-top-corner, tm is top-middle, rtc is right-top-corner</p>
<p> lm is left-column-middle-row, c is center, mr is middlerow-right-column</p>
<p> lbc is left-bottom-corner, bm is bottom-middle, rbc is right-bottom-corner</p>
<p> ***************************************************************</p>
<p> This works best in Firefox. </p>

<p id="demo"></p>


curboard = [ " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " " ]
gameover = 0
leftcol = 0
midcol = 0
rightcol = 0

function printBoard(board) {
  var x = board[0] + board[1] + board[2] + board[3] + board[4] + board[5] + board[6] + board[7] + board[8] 
  return x;   // The function returns the product of p1 and p2

function mainControl(board, player) {
  var place = prompt("Player " + player + ", please enter a place to make your mark");
  var possiblepos = ["ltc", "tm", "rtc", "lm", "c", "mr", "lbc", "bm", "rbc"];
  var validpos = (possiblepos.indexOf(place));
  if (validpos < 0) { 
    alert("Warning: That was not a valid place on the board! See the legend. You will now be prompted to enter a place on the board again.")
    mainControl(board, player) 
  moveMaker(board, place, player)

  var heading = "Player " + player + " has just made a move.  Here is the current board:"
  widthcount = leftcol + midcol + rightcol
  // when board is empty, it is never displayed.
  if (widthcount == 1) {
    var line1 = "____"
	var line6 = "-------"
  if (widthcount == 2) {
    var line1 = "_____"
	var line6 = "--------"
  if (widthcount == 3) {
    var line1 = "_____"
	var line6 = "---------"
  var line2 = "|"+ board[0] + "|" + board[1] + "|" + board[2] + "|"
  var line4 = "|"+ board[3] + "|" + board[4] + "|" + board[5] + "|"
  var line5 = "|"+ board[6] + "|" + board[7] + "|" + board[8] + "|"
  var line7 = " "
  var line8 = "Press 'Enter' or click 'OK' to continue."
  var z = [
  return z

function moveMaker(board, pos, player) {
    if (pos == 'ltc') {
      if (board[0] == ' ') {
        board[0] = player
		leftcol = 1
      } else {
        alert("That square has already been marked. Please try again.")
        mainControl(board, player) }
    } if (pos == 'tm') {
        if (board[1] == ' ') {
		  midcol = 1
          board[1] = player
        } else {
           alert("That square has already been marked. Please try again.")
           mainControl(board, player) }
    } if (pos == 'rtc') {
        if (board[2] == ' ') {
		 rightcol = 1
         board[2] = player
        } else { 
          alert("That square has already been marked. Please try again.")
          mainControl(board, player) }
    } if (pos == 'lm') {
        if (board[3] == ' ') {
         board[3] = player 
		 leftcol = 1
        } else {
          alert("That square has already been marked. Please try again.")
          mainControl(board, player) }
    } if (pos == 'c') { 
        if (board[4] == ' ') { 
		 midcol = 1
         board[4] = player
        } else {
          alert("That square has already been marked. Please try again.")
          mainControl(board, player) }
    } if (pos == 'mr') {
        if (board[5] == ' ') {
         board[5] = player
		 rightcol = 1
        } else {
          alert("That square has already been marked. Please try again.")
          mainControl(board, player) }
    } if (pos == 'lbc') {
        if (board[6] == ' ') {
          board[6] = player
		  leftcol = 1
        } else {
          alert("That square has already been marked. Please try again.")
          mainControl(board, player) }
    } if (pos == 'bm') { 
        if (board[7] == ' ') {
		 midcol = 1
         board[7] = player
        } else {
          alert("That square has already been marked. Please try again.")
          mainControl(board, player) }
    } if (pos == 'rbc') {
        if (board[8] == ' ') { 
          board[8] = player 
		  rightcol = 1
		  } else {
          alert("That square has already been marked. Please try again.")
          mainControl(board, player) }
    return board

function boardwinchecker(board) {
  if (board[0] == board[4]) { // check the diagonal from left top to right bottom corner
    if (board[4] == board[8]) {
      if (board[4] != ' ') { 
        lastmessage = "Player " + board[0] + " wins! Do not press 'OK'. Please refresh the web page to play again."
		gameover = 1
  if (board[2] == board[4]) { // check the diagonal from right top to left bottom corner
    if (board[4] == board[6]) {
      if (board[6] != ' ') {
        lastmessage = "Player " + board[2] + " wins! Do not press 'OK'. Please refresh the web page to play again."
		gameover = 1
  if (board[0] == board[3]) { // check the left column
    if (board[3] == board[6]) {
      if (board[6] != ' ') {
        lastmessage = "Player " + board[0] + " wins! Do not press 'OK'. Please refresh the web page to play again."
		gameover = 1
  if (board[0] == board[1]) { // check the top row
    if (board[1] == board[2]) {
      if (board[0] != ' ') {
        lastmessage = "Player " + board[0] + " wins! Do not press 'OK'. Please refresh the web page to play again."
		gameover = 1
  if (board[2] == board[5]) { // check right column
    if (board[5] == board[8]) {
      if (board[2] != ' ') {
        lastmessage = "Player " + board[2] + " wins! Do not press 'OK'. Please refresh the web page to play again."
		gameover = 1
  if (board[6] == board[7]) { // check bottom row
    if (board[7] == board[8]) {
      if (board[8] != ' ') {
        lastmessage = "Player " + board[6] + " wins! Do not press 'OK'. Please refresh the web page to play again."
		gameover = 1
  if (board[1] == board[4]) { // check middle column
    if (board[4] == board[7]) {
      if (board[1] != ' ') {
        lastmessage = "Player " + board[1] + " wins! Do not press 'OK'. Please refresh the web page to play again."
		gameover = 1
  if (board[3] == board[4]) { // check middle row
    if (board[4] == board[5]) {
      if (board[3] != ' ') {
        lastmessage = "Player " + board[3] + " wins! Do not press 'OK'. Please refresh the web page to play again."
		gameover = 1

function boardcatchecker(board) {
    if (board[0] != ' ') {
      if (board[1] != ' ') {
        if (board[2] != ' ') {
          if (board[3] != ' ') {
            if (board[4] != ' ') {
              if (board[5] != ' ') {
                if (board[6] != ' ') {
                  if (board[7] != ' ') {
                    if (board[8] != ' ') {
                      alert("Game over. Cat's game. It was a draw!")
                      alert("Please refresh the web page to play again.")

last = printBoard(curboard);

var1 = mainControl(curboard, "X")
var2 = mainControl(curboard, "O")
var3 = mainControl(curboard, "X")
var4 = mainControl(curboard, "O")
var5 = mainControl(curboard, "X")
if (gameover == 0) {
    var6 = mainControl(curboard, "O")
    boardwinchecker(curboard)  }
if (gameover == 0) {
    var7 = mainControl(curboard, "X")
    boardwinchecker(curboard)  }
if (gameover == 0) {
    var8 = mainControl(curboard, "O")
    boardwinchecker(curboard)  }
if (gameover == 0) {
    var9 = mainControl(curboard, "X")
    boardwinchecker(curboard)	}
if (gameover == 0) {
     boardcatchecker(curboard)   }



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