Is There a Difference between Coding Languages and Programming Languages?

You read that there is a difference between coding languages and programming languages. What is the difference?

The question is theoretical and subjective. Sometimes diction, semantics and job descriptions are not that important.

Coding and programming are different (but there are probably very highly-paid people who disagree). It seems that in certain contexts, rightly or wrongly, people use the terms interchangeably. Most sources say that coding is a subset of programming. "Coding is a fragment of programming …" taken from

Coding can refer to the task of translating logic into reserved words, variable definitions, and using syntax of a given language to "code" a program after planning has happened. Programming can refer to the task of gathering requirements, creating logic and exception handling, to design a program from a planning perspective. Context can make one term more appropriate than another. Coding can be thought of as more of a hands-on implementation process (e.g., from a senior architect) of writing code. Programming is more formalizing business logic into a solution and whiteboarding while it emphasizes the pre-implementation phase.

Languages can vary from assembly, C, to higher level languages such as object-oriented ones. Many languages are compiled, but not all. Context can dictate the descriptive words such as "coding" or "programming" for such categories of languages.

To learn more about the differences between "coding" and "programming", see these:

You may want to search for "programming vs coding vs scripting" in a search engine to learn more.

If you search on for "coding software" (as just searching for "coding" will bring up medical billing coding jobs), you find far fewer jobs than if you search for "programming."

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