How Do You Install and Configure Apache Camel on a Linux Server?

Problem scenario
You want to install and configure Apache Camel from source on any distribution of Linux. What do you do?

You cannot. But there is a way to use Apache Camel as a test.

Background: It is not something that is can be purely installed-and-configured like other applications. Camel is a framework for integrating messaging solutions or microservice architecture.

How Do You Create a Build Pipeline in Azure?

Problem scenario
You want to use an Azure pipeline. You want it to perform a build. What should you do?

i. You must have a supported code versioning system with certain files. As of 10/7/19 the options are Azure Repos Git, Bitbucket Cloud, GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Server, other Git repositories or Subversion. If you follow steps 1 through 4 of How Do You Build a Java Program with Maven?

How Do You Troubleshoot the Error “Caused by: org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException: Could not find artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.8.0”?

Problem scenario
You run a Maven command but you get this:

“Caused by: org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException: Could not find artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.8.0 at specified path /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/../lib/tools.jar:

You are running Ubuntu or Debian Linux. What should you do?

Run this: sudo apt install default-jdk

How Do You Troubleshoot the Maven Error “Malformed POM…Unrecognised tag: ‘dependency'”?

Problem scenario
You run a Maven (mvn) command. But you receive an error like this:

[INFO] Scanning for projects…
[ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[ERROR] Malformed POM /home/jdoe/b/gs-maven/initial/src/pom.xml: Unrecognised tag: ‘dependency’ (position: START_TAG seen …\n \n \n … @17:17) @ /home/jdoe/b/gs-maven/initial/src/pom.xml, line 17, column 17
[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] The project org.springframework:gs-maven:0.1.0 (/home/jdoe/b/gs-maven/initial/src/pom.xml) has 1 error
[ERROR] Malformed POM /home/jdoe/b/gs-maven/initial/src/pom.xml: Unrecognised tag: ‘dependency’ (position: START_TAG seen …\n \n \n … @17:17) @ /home/jdoe/b/gs-maven/initial/src/pom.xml, …

How Do You Install Gradle on Any Type of Linux?

Problem scenario
You want to be able to install Gradle on a Debian/Ubuntu Linux server, a Red Hat derivative of Linux (e.g., CentOS/RHEL/Fedora), or Linux SUSE.  How do you do this with the same script?

i.  Install Java.  If you need directions, see this posting.
ii.  Install unzip. 

  • If you are using Debian or Ubuntu, run this command: 

How Do You Install Maven on Any Type of Linux?

Problem scenario
You want to install Maven with a script.  You want the script to work regardless of what distribution of Linux you are using (e.g., Ubuntu/Debian, RedHat (including CentOS/Fedora), or SUSE).  How do you write a script to install the latest version of Maven?

Update:  This script was updated on 9/23/19.

1.  Create this file in /tmp/ and call it