How Do You Troubleshoot ‘Target “release” does not exist in the project “apache-cassandra”‘?

Problem scenario
You try to run an ant command. But you get this error: ‘Target “release” does not exist in the project “apache-cassandra”‘

What should you do?

Omit the word “release” when you run the ant command.

How Do You Install and Configure Apache Camel on a Linux Server?

Problem scenario
You want to install and configure Apache Camel from source on any distribution of Linux. What do you do?

You cannot. But there is a way to use Apache Camel as a test.

Background: It is not something that is can be purely installed-and-configured like other applications. Camel is a framework for integrating messaging solutions or microservice architecture.

How Do You Troubleshoot the ActiveMQ Build Failure “No plugin found for prefix ‘activemq-perf'”?

Problem scenario
You run this command:

sudo /opt/maven/bin/mvn activemq-perf:broker -Durl=broker:tcp://localhost:61616

You get this result:

[INFO] Scanning for projects…
Downloading from central:
Downloading from central:
Downloaded from central: (14 kB at 17 kB/s)
Downloaded from central: (20 kB at 25 kB/s)
[INFO] ————————————————————————
[INFO] ————————————————————————
[INFO] Total time: 1.815 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-04-28T15:33:05Z
[INFO] ————————————————————————
[ERROR] No plugin found for prefix ‘activemq-perf’ in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, …

How Do You Set Up Apache Kafka on Any Distribution of Linux?

Problem scenario
You want to set up Apache Kafka with a single broker just to test out. How do you do this on any distribution of Linux?

You must install Zookeeper. If you need assistance, see this posting.

You may want to install screen because this solution will rely on it; you could open duplicate terminals instead of using the screen command.

What Do You Do If CloudWatch Metrics Are Not Showing Up in the Dashboard?

Problem scenario
You used a .json file and the AWS CLI to configure customized metrics. When you go to the GUI you do not see the graphs. The commands that were run with the .json file completed without errors or problems. How do you get the web console to show the metrics you configured for various AWS components?

Possible Solution #1
CloudWatch metrics are not all necessarily graphed.

What Should You Do when the Apache Mesos Web UI Keeps Refreshing and Sending a Pop-up “Failed to connect to …:5050”?

Problem scenario
You deployed Apache Mesos. The web UI is having problems. You see the error “Failed to connect to x.x.x.x:5050.” What should you do?


  1. Go to the back-end of the Apache Mesos server. Run this command: sudo systemctl stop mesos-master
  2. sudo find / -name
  3. Change directory into the parent of the “bin” directory that houses the as found above.

How Do You Troubleshoot the Installation of Apache Accumulo on Linux?

Problem scenario
You are trying to install open source Accumulo on Linux. You have two GB of swap space. You have installed Java, Hadoop, and Zookeeper. You have run the script for Accumulo 1.9.2.

You run this (and expected it to work): /bin/accumulo-1.9.2/bin/accumulo init

But you get this error:

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: If the number of processors is expected to increase from one, …

How Do You Set Up a Multi-Node Cluster of Zookeeper?

Problem scenario
You want to set up Zookeeper with three nodes in AWS. What do you do?

1. Install Zookeeper on each of the servers. If you need assistance with this, see this posting.

2. Modify the zoo.cfg file on each of the servers. Add stanzas like these but substitute with the Public DNS name of each server:
