OpenStack Wikipedia Article: Sahara Paragraph Updated

I edited Wikipedia's OpenStack Article found here.  This is the paragraph for Sahara as I found it on 4/5/16:
"Sahara aims to provide users with simple means to provision Hadoop clusters by specifying several parameters like Hadoop version, cluster topology, nodes hardware details and a few more. After a user fills all the parameters, Sahara deploys the cluster in a few minutes. Sahara also provides means to scale an already-provisioned cluster by adding and removing worker nodes on demand."
This is what I revised it to be:
"Sahara is a component to easily and rapidly provision Hadoop clusters. Users will specify several parameters like the Hadoop version number, the cluster topology type, node flavor details (defining disk space, CPU and RAM settings), and others. After a user provides all of the parameters, Sahara deploys the cluster in a few minutes. Sahara also provides means to scale a preexisting Hadoop cluster by adding and removing worker nodes on demand."

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