How Do You Find if MongoDB is Installed on Linux?

Problem scenario:  You are not sure if MongoDB is installed on Linux.  How do you find out for sure?

Solution:  Use this command to see if it is actively running:  ps -ef | grep mongo
However, MongoDB could be installed but not running.  So this command will not definitively answer the question.  On Debian (e.g., Ubuntu) or RedHat (e.g., CentOS or Fedora) distributions of Linux,

Cloud Computing Is Changing the Global Economy

The Economist, specifically the August 27th – September 2nd 2016 issue, on page 47 and 48, in the article “Linux and AWS,” reports four fascinating facts:

1) The world’s I.T. budget is approximately $3,400,000,000,000 (almost 3.5 trillion) dollars.   
2) As of mid-2016, Google’s market share for cloud services increased 162% from the previous year!  
3) Roughly 65% of the over one million AWS customers are startups.

How Do You Unzip Files Using Ubuntu (Using the Command Line Interface)?

Goal:  You want to use unzip with Ubuntu Linux without using the GUI desktop.
Background:  The unzip character-based utility is useful for many reasons.  At the command line you can access compressed files that normally occupy little space on the disk.  Transferring .zip files is great for keeping network bandwidth utilization low.

Try this command to see if unzip is installed: man unzip

Part 1: 

How Do You Zip Files Using Ubuntu Linux From The Command Line Interface?

Goal:  You want to use zip with Ubuntu Linux without using the GUI.  You want to use the character prompt exclusively.

Background:  The zip character-based utility is useful for many reasons.  At the command line you can free up space while retaining files for future usage.  Try this command to see if zip is installed: man zip

Try this command to see if zip is installed: man zip

Part 1: Installing Zip
If the command cannot be found,

How do you unzip files using SUSE?

Goal  You want to use unzip when you are using SUSE (either openSUSE or SUSE Linux Enterprise).

The unzip character-based utility is useful for many reasons.  At the command line you can access compressed files that normally occupy little space on the disk.  Transferring .zip files is great for keeping network bandwidth utilization low.

Try this command to see if unzip is installed: unzip –version
AWS SUSE servers have unzip installed by default,

How do you zip files using SUSE Linux?

Goal:  You want to use zip when you are using SUSE (openSUSE or SUSE Linux Enterprise).  You want to use the character (or command) prompt.  You do not want to use the GUI.
Background:  The zip character-based utility is useful for many reasons.  At the command line you can free up space while retaining files for future usage.  Try this command to see if zip is installed: man zip

Part 1 Installation Process
If the command cannot be found,

How do you unzip files using RHEL (or CentOS or Fedora Linux)?

How do you unzip files using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or CentOS or Fedora Linux)?

Goal:  You want to use unzip when you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or CentOS or Fedora Linux).
Background:  The unzip character-based utility is useful for many reasons.  At the command line you can access compressed files that normally occupy little space on the disk.  Transferring .zip files is great for keeping network bandwidth utilization low.

How do you zip files using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or CentOS or Fedora Linux)?

Goal:  You want to use zip when you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or CentOS or Fedora Linux).
Background:  The zip character-based utility is useful for many reasons.  At the command line you can free up space while retaining files for future usage.  Try this command to see if zip is installed: man zip

Part 1:  How to install zip?
If the command cannot be found,

How Do You Assign a Password to a Variable In Linux Without Making It Visible?

Goal:  You want to issue a command (e.g., an export command) that has a password in it.  But you do not want anyone looking over your shoulder to see it.  You do not want the password to be visible in the history of the shell.
Solution:  Type this ‘read -s foobar’
Then press enter.  The cursor will go to the next line.  Type in the password. 

How to Troubleshoot PowerShell Downloading a File From the Internet

Problem scenario:  When trying to use PowerShell to download a file, get you this error ‘Error calling “DownloadFile” with “2” argument(s): “An Exception occurred during a WebClient request.”‘

Solution:  Make sure you have ample space on the disk and make sure the destination folder exists.  A typo in the path or if the folder not existing could cause this error.  Insufficient disk space could also cause the problem.