How Do You Troubleshoot the Python Error “(-5:Bad argument) CAP_IMAGES: can’t find starting number”?

Problem scenario
You installed cv2 with “pip3 install opencv-python”

You run a Python program, but you get this error:

[ERROR:0] global /tmp/pip-req-build-afu9cjzs/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap.cpp (160) open VIDEOIO(CV_IMAGES): raised OpenCV exception:

OpenCV(4.5.3) /tmp/pip-req-build-afu9cjzs/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_images.cpp:253: error: (-5:Bad argument) CAP_IMAGES: can’t find starting number (in the name of file): in function ‘icvExtractPattern’

What should you do?

Possible Solution
The video file is not there.

How Do You Troubleshoot “Your python3 install is corrupted. Please fix the ‘/usr/bin/python3’ symlink.”?

Problem scenario
You run this command:

sudo do-release-upgrade

But you see this error:

“Your python3 install is corrupted. Please fix the ‘/usr/bin/python3’ symlink.”

What should you do?

Run this command:

tail -n 20 /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log

Do you see a message like this?

2022-03-18 19:36:59,240 DEBUG python symlink points to: ‘python3.5’, but expected is ‘python2.7’ or ‘/usr/bin/python2.7’

If so,

How Do You Troubleshoot a List in Python That Gets Out of Order?

Problem scenario
You are coding in Python. For some reason your list is getting out of order. It sometimes works. But sometimes the last item is going to the first item. What is wrong?

Possible Solution #1
Re-examine your logic. Break things up into smaller lists and fewer variables for the sake of testing.

Possible Solution #2
Look at the different input files if there are any.

How Do You Write a Python Program to Process a Large File?

Problem scenario
You have a file that is too big to fit into memory. How can Python read the file?

Possible Solution #1
You can use the “open” method and the “read()” or “readlines()” methods. Avoid using read() because that will read the entire file into memory. The readline() and readlines() methods can be given a byte number as an argument.

Do “if x in dic” Statements Look at Keys or Values in Python Dictionaries?

Problem scenario
In Python if you test if a value is in a dictionary, does it look at the keys, the values, or both?

For example, you have code like this:

good_kv = {}
good_kv[”a”] = 1
good_kv[”b”] = 2
good_kv[”c”] = 3

if “b” in good_kv:
print(“The value is in the dictionary!”)
print(“The value is not in the dictionary!”)

print (“testing keys of dictionary above and values of dictionaries below”)

if 3 in good_kv:
print(“The value is in the dictionary!”)
print(“The value is not in the dictionary!”)

Do dictionaries keys,

In Python when Source Code is Used to Create Byte Code, what is the Intermediate Content?

Problem scenario
Python can compile source code. There is a process that happens. What form does the code take in the interim (before byte code is created)?

Abstract Syntax Tree (according to page 175 of Expert Python Programming by Jaworski and Ziade). There is an ast module that allows you to interact with the Abstract Syntax Tree via its grammar.

Why Cannot You Browse to a URL Path with a File Name in a Web Browser when the index.html File is Available?

Problem scenario
You know foobar.html is in a directory on a web server that houses index.html. You cannot go to foobar.html in a web browser — but you can go to index.html. How do you fix this?

Possible solution #1
Are the permissions of foobar.html different from index.html? Is there a slight spelling error in the file name on the back-end?

Using Python How Do You Print Log Entries for a Given Time Range?

Problem scenario
Using Python, you want to parse a log file. You want to print out entries that have a datetime stamp that are within 24 hours of a given date.

The log file is in this format:

Sep 18 07:28:11 server1 sshd[29284]: Received disconnect from port 46970:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Sep 18 07:28:11 server1 sshd[29284]: Disconnected from port 46970 [preauth]
Sep 18 07:28:11 server1 sshd[29282]: Failed password for root from port 24844 ssh2
Sep 18 07:28:13 server1 sshd[29287]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; …

How Do You Set a Date-Time Value with a Default Year in Python?

Problem scenario
You are printing out some dates with a Python program. You are using the datetime module and the strptime method. The year is always defaulting to 1900 because the log entries have no year designated in them. How do you seed the dates with a specific year of your choice?

Here is an example of how to seed the dates with the year 2021 (but it assumes you have a file name auth.log with dates without years in it):

import datetime
from datetime import datetime, …

How Do You Troubleshoot the Python Problem “ValueError: time data … does not match %m”?

Problem scenario
You are trying to parse a log file with Python. The date entries use abbreviated spellings of months — not integer month values. You get an error like this:

“ValueError: time data ‘Jul 15 06:10:32’ does not match format ‘%m %d %H:%M:%S'”

What should you do?

Replace the “%m” with “%b”.

import datetime
log_reader = open(‘auth.log’, …