In Azure DevOps Pipeline Test Results, Why Do You See a Release That Was Not Run in a While?

Problem scenario
You look at some previous pipelines’ test results. The tests show failing tests. There is a temporal field for “Failing since” and another field called “Failing release.” You have not run the release that is listed as failing in a while. Why isn’t it showing the most recent release?

Possible Solution
The root cause is consecutive failures and possibly a poorly named column heading.

How Do You Configure Snyk’s Threshold Level in Azure DevOps Pipelines?

Problem scenario
You are troubleshooting a pipeline in Azure DevOps. You look at the task’s log output. You see a security-threshold flag in a CLI with the value of “low”, “medium”, “high” or “critical” that you think is incorrect or discrepant with another setting. How do you get the flag to be set to the security threshold level of your choice?

The ultimate Snyk command that is run (or commands that are run) is (or are) created from various underlying settings,

How Do You Run Snyk Scans as Part of Azure DevOps Pipelines?

Problem scenario
You know that many sources recommend you scan IaC code as part of modern security recommended practices. (Page 293 of Terraform: Up & Running, 2nd Edition by Yevgeniy Brikman (O’Reilly), Copyright 2019, 978-1-492-04690-5 recommends using Snyk.) You tried to create a new pipeline in Azure DevOps. You tried to add a Snyk task. But you were not able to. Why in Azure DevOps do you not see a Snyk option for a task to add to a pipeline?

Why Cannot a User Approve a Release Pipeline to an Environment?

Problem scenario
A user in Azure DevOps cannot approve releases to a given environment. The permissions are correct; the user is a member of the relevant custom security group in the project. Why can’t the user approve the deployment to an environment?

Can the user go to the Azure DevOps organization? Can the user also see the project? The organization subsumes a project,

How Do You Install and Configure Chef Client on a Linux Server in AWS or Azure?

Updated 11/9/17

Problem scenario
In AWS or Azure you have Linux instances that you want to be configured to use a Chef Server.  How do you install Chef client and configure it to work with a Chef server?

These directions have been tested in Azure (with an Ubuntu 16.x server as either the Chef client node or the Chef server) and AWS (with a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x server as the Chef client node or the Chef server).

How Do You Find and Delete Azure Services (e.g., Disks) That Cause You an Expense?

Problem scenario
In Azure’s “Cost analysis” (in the Cost Management + Billing section), you see expenses associated with storage. How do you find “standard * managed disks” in your account for the purpose of deleting them?

1. Go here:
2. Sort by “Type”.
3. Find “Disk” and click on the radio buttons near those and click on “Delete”

How Do You Get PowerShell to Run Scripts?

Problem scenario
One of the following apply to you.

Problem scenario #1
You try a PowerShell command but you get an error like this “The ‘Login-AzureRmAccount’ command was found in the module ‘AzureRM.profile’, but the module could not be loaded.”


Problem scenario #2
You try a PowerShell command but you get an error like this:

Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzureRM.profile\5.8.2\AzureRM.Profile.psm1 cannot be
loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system.