Problem scenario
You have a RHEL server in AWS. You want it to be a DNS server. What do you do?
For security reasons, you should have the network that this DNS server will serve be behind a firewall. Following a short Question and Answer guide like this is fine for testing and learning. However, denial of service attacks are more possible when a primary DNS server engages in recursive look ups (page 857 of A Practical Guide to Fedora and RedHat Enterprise Linux). Recursive queries involve a second query to a different DNS sever. A non-recursive DNS query is called iterative. The BIND service should run in a chroot jail as a precautionary measure for security (page 883 of A Practical Guide to Fedora and RedHat Enterprise Linux).
1. Run this: sudo yum -y install bind bind-utils
2. Run these commands:
sudo systemctl enable named.service
sudo systemctl start named.service