What Is The Etymology of the Terms Level-Trigger and Edge-Trigger?

Problem scenario
You have read about level-trigger and edge-trigger notification mechanisms in Linux. Why are they called level-trigger and edge-trigger? Where do they get their names?

Electronics and processing electric signals. Edges represent changes to a state. A level state represents the lack of a change. Here is a diagram:

This answer was adapted from the following postings:

Notification mechanisms are components of input and output in Linux. There are two main types of notification mechanisms in this context.

A level-triggered notification is comes from a file descriptor that "is considered to be ready if it is possible to perform an I/O system call without blocking." (Taken from page 1329 of The Linux Programming Interface.)

An edge-triggered notification is a notification that "is provided if there is I/O activity (e.g., new input) on a file descriptor since it was last monitored." (Taken from page 1329 of The Linux Programming Interface.)

Level-triggered notifications are used by the select and poll system calls (according to page 1329 of The Linux Programming Interface). LT notifications are also used by the epoll "I/O event notification facility" (as taken from the man page for epoll).

Edge-tiggered notifications are used by signal-drive I/O and the epoll "I/O event notification facility" (as taken from the man page for epoll) in Linux (according to page 1329 of The Linux Programming Interface).

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