What Is The Second Way of the Three-Way Handshake?

You want to know discretely what the second way of the three-way handshake is in the context of TCP/IP networking. What is it?

Short Answer
It is the sending of a TCP packet with a flag of "SYN-ACK" from the server/destination to the initiating client (after the first way was completed).

Longer Answer
The second way is sending a TCP packet with the "SYN-ACK" flag (of which several potential flags are possible) to the destination:
Server -----> Client (initiating machine)

TCP is used in HTTP communications. TCP uses a three-way handshake; each way has a specific flag in a TCP packet and a specific source and destination (among the two end point devices involved). When a workstation tries to connect to a website (e.g., https://www.continualintegration.com), the workstation sends a TCP packet with a SYN flag to www.continualintegration.com. Then the server sends a SYN-ACK to the client, and this is the second way.

To read more, see these postings:
What Is The First Way of the Three-Way Handshake?
What Is The Third Way of the Three-Way Handshake?

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