How Do You Create Docker Containers To Have Unique IP Addresses?

Problem scenario
How do you create Docker containers to have unique IP Addresses (but not the default 172.x.x.x type)?

(If you need help installing Docker, see this posting.)

Create new IP addresses with these commands (with sudo in front of them, preferably, or less preferably as the root user):

ip addr add brd + dev eth0
ip addr add brd + dev eth0
ip addr add brd + dev eth0

# Replace the IP addresses and subnet masks as you desire

Then use a modified version of this command:
docker run -p repositoryName:versionDesignation /bin/bash
# You can use the "docker images" command to find the "repositoryName" and "versionDesignation"
# The IP address and port mapping (from Linux server to Docker container) can be substituted as needed

Two or more containers on the same Docker host can use port 80 using this method.  To have the IP addresses available upon every log in, you can create a /etc/profile.d/ file.  This will give you the IP addresses on the Docker server upon logging in each time.  The file should have the lines you entered above after a "#!/bin/bash" header.  Here is an example:

ip addr add brd + dev eth0
ip addr add brd + dev eth0
ip addr add brd + dev eth0 

How To Create IP Addresses On a Linux Server without Corresponding NICs

If you do not want to create new interfaces, just new IP addresses, use these commands:

ip addr add brd + dev eth0
ip addr add brd + dev eth0
ip addr add brd + dev eth0

# Replace the IP addresses and subnet masks as you desire.

The IP addresses will go away upon rebooting.  You may want multiple IP addresses on new "semi-virtual" interfaces on a Linux server.  These interfaces can be linked to a device such as eth1.  The following method comes with a caveat as I have experienced networking problems with the method below.  The main IP address stops working after an hour or two.  The new interfaces with IP addresses may cause network instability on the server.  The below method of creating new interfaces is not recommended for anything but theoretical testing or short-duration procedures.

# Usage instructions:  Save the content below as  Then do the following to run it:  chmod +x; ./
ip li add dummy0 type dummy
ip li add dummy1 type dummy
ip li add dummy2 type dummy
ip li add dummy3 type dummy
ip li add dummy4 type dummy
ip link set name eth20 label dummy0
ip link set name eth21 label dummy1
ip link set name eth22 label dummy2
ip link set name eth23 label dummy3
ip link set name eth24 label dummy4
ip addr add brd + dev eth20 label eth20:0
ip addr add brd + dev eth21 label eth22:0
ip addr add brd + dev eth22 label eth23:0
ip addr add brd + dev eth23 label eth24:0
ip addr add brd + dev eth24 label eth25:0

# The IP addresses are just examples.  The CIDR can be modifed as well.
# The interface names eth20 through eth25 are numbered in a high way (starting at 20) so as to avoid conflict with the server's NIC names.

# For a book on Docker, you may want to view this list.

Troubleshooting DSC for Configuration Management (Problem and Solution)

Background:  DSC is a toolkit of PowerShell cmdlets that enable you to do configuration management.  It can allow you to do CM tasks with Windows and Linux machines (

Problem/Scenario:  You are trying to use this PowerShell command (e.g., to test your Desired State Configuration tool):

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName goodServer -Credential jdoe

# where goodServer is a Windows server on the network and jdoe is a local user account on the goodServer machine.
# There may be a pop up for the password associated with jdoe.  You may enter the correct one.  But you are encountering an error like this:

"Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server goodServer failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot process the request.  The following error with the errorcode ... occurred while using Kerberos authentication: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.  Possible causes are:
-The user name or password specified are invalid.
-Kerberos is used when no authentication method and no user name are specified.
-Kerberos accepts domain user names, but not local user names.
-The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does not exist.
-The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is no trust between the two domains.
-After checking for the above issues, try the following: -Check the Event Viewer for events related to authentication."

The event viewer has no leads for this problem.

Prerequisite: You are logged on with local credentials to a Windows server that happen to be the same username and password as the credentials of the remote server ("goodServer" in this example).
1) Open PowerShell as an Administrator
2) Run this in PowerShell:

Set-Item wsman:\localhost\client\trustedhosts *

3) Respond "Yes" to the two following prompts.  The problem should now go away.
See this:

Attached files taken from:
Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:\Users\Mike\Documents\SqlServerInstall  -Wait -Verbose

What does the I.T. term “bootstrap” mean?


Definition 1 (transitive verb) of bootstrap:  To turn on a computer so that the operating system is completely functional.  Source:  The fifth definition of "bootstrap" in is specific to "computers." 

Definition 2 (transitive verb) of bootstrap:  To intentionally initiate multiple subprocesses (especially a primarily automatic sequence of often incremental subprocesses), as in a batch execution, from a single file or action.

Examples of definition 2: 
"Between the advent of handy tools, like Chef and Puppet, and virtual machine infrastructures, like VMWare and AWS, I feel like there has been a great debate about how to bootstrap machines." This quote was taken from

"In the following, I want to highlight how to create an Angular service that bootstraps the application with data defined in an ASP.NET MVC back-end."  This quote was taken from a blog that was up in 2016 (

Definition 3 (noun) of bootstrap:  A software application for designing websites developed at Twitter.  Source: TechTarget.

Definition 4 (transitive verb): To provision a server and install an agent on the server.

Definition 5 (adjective): A type of DNS server that initially allows other DNS servers to be found. DNS will work after the initial resolution of a hostname of a regular DNS server identified without an IP address. See this posting for more information.

To elaborate on definition 4, a configuration management tool's master server may control the server with this agent. This previous sentence and definition 4 are according to page 26 of Terraform Up & Running.

Background Commentary and Research Notes of The I.T. Term "bootstrap" and "bootstrapping"

  • It could denote the process of turning on a server.  It would connote the details of booting a server involving the initiation of a self-sustaining process from the time it power is turned on until the server begins to function. (1) Relevantly, the bootstrap loader (which is executable code) of a server is stored in the MBR. (2)  The bootstrap loader loads the operating system during power up (and puts the kernel into memory according to page 1240 of A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux by Mark Sobell).  According to Techopedia a bootstrap loader is a synonym for boot loader or boot manager.  Therefore one definition of the verbal phrase "to bootstrap a server" is "to turn on a server with a properly configured operating system."  You can power on servers with no hard drives.  The POST and BIOS will go through their processes.  The server will not function properly because it cannot boot without an operating system
  • A separate definition of "bootstrap a server" would be to "install an application with any necessary dependencies." When an installation process "bootstraps" something else it initiates on an as-needed basis a dependency-filling subprocess.  However it would be less likely that you would semantically "bootstrap a server" with this alternate definition and more likely that you would observe or run an .exe file that bootstraps an application installation.  To see an example of this separate definition of "bootstrapping" view this link from Microsoft that is for installing Office 2000.
  • In the past tense or as a adjective describing a server, "a bootstrapped server" could refer to a self-configured or automatically configured server. (3)  
  • Bootstrap can mean to configure a server to participate as a node in a cluster (e.g., a Consul cluster). (4)
  • To bootstrap a server in Chef is to make it a Chef client via installation and configuration of relevant media. (5)
  • For web applications there is a bootstrapping process.  This refers to a main file being a central point for joining together other files, initiating dynamic content (e.g., RSS feeds) connections and with other technologies (e.g., CSS). A definition from another source is 'In the context of PHP development, it also means funneling all web requests through a single script that performs the bootstrapping process, also called "front controller."'  To see an example of the term "bootstrapping" (in the context of web technologies) that can itself be manual or automatic in the context of AngularJS view this old link ( or read this StackOverflow answer.  
  • "Bootstrapping" even in strictly I.T. vernacular has multiple definitions.  For further reading, you may want to see this link.

How Do You Troubleshoot the Docker problem “Error response from daemon: Cannot start container”?

Problem scenario
Sometimes you try to start a Docker container but there is a problem.  For example you try:
docker start <containerID>
But you receive this: "Error response from daemon: Cannot start container <containerID>: failed to create endpoint <name> on network bridge: ip tables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -A DOCKER -p tcp -d 0/0 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination x.x.x.x:80 ! -i docker0: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name."

cd /var/lib/docker/network/files/
ls -lh > /tmp/forposterity
mkdir /tmp/backupdir
mv /var/lib/docker/network/files/ /tmp/backupdir
systemctl restart docker
 #change this command depending on your distribution and version of Linux to restart Docker services

How To Port Forward (redirect traffic destined for an IP address to a specific port)

Scenario:  On a Linux server, it can be useful to send traffic destined to a certain IP address to a different port on the server.  The listening service could be unique insofar as its port number has been designated.  The listening service could be a Docker container or a guest virtual machine.
Method:  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth3 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
Explanation:  The interface receiving the HTTP requests (port 80) is eth3.  80 is the port that the server can listen on (for packets destined to eth3).  The routing that this command will produce will be to redirect the traffic to over port 81.   Change the interface name (eth3), the d(estination) port value, the IP address or the final port number as needed.  This is an inbound rule so there are, in a way, two destination ports (80 for listening and 81 for somewhere else on the server).  For future reference, the --sport flag is a designation of a source port for IP tables commands.  NAT (network address translation) can work with mapping two different IP addresses or with mapping sockets (IP addresses bound to port numbers).

Saving a Docker Image and Using It On A Different Server

Problem Scenario
Sometimes the "docker save" command does not work as you would expect.  You run the command on a Docker host, but it does not work.  You might even try the -o flag or the --output=/tmp/destinationFileName.tar option.  But the response may be an surprising error "Cowardly refusing to save to a terminal. Use the -o flag or redirect."  You want to copy a Docker image from one machine to another computer but problems get in your way.  How do you solve this problem so you can transfer a flat file to another server and use the Docker image?  In other words, how do you do the most basic task with Docker, how do you bring a copy of a Docker container to another machine (another virtual server, a different Docker host)?

You must have Docker installed.  If you need help installing Docker, see this posting.

The redirect in the error is the right clue.  This solution assumes you have Docker installed on the different server. 

From the Docker host, use these three steps to copy a Docker container and place the container on another machine (server or host).

Step #1:  This command should work:
docker save repositoryName:versionName > /tmp/destinationFileName.tar

Alternatively, you could try this command:
docker save ImageName > /tmp/imagename.tar
# You could find the ImageName by running "docker ps -a" and looking at the results.

Step #2:  The above command will save the image as a regularly accessible flat file with the name destinationFileName.tar.  To use it on the destination Docker host, transfer it to that server.  Use scp or sftp to do the file transfer to a different server. 

Step #3:  Then use this command (assuming the location of the file on the destination server is /tmp/) on the different host:  
​docker load < /tmp/destinationFileName.tar

By the way, there are numerous books on Docker.

How To Import A Copy of An Existing GitLab project

Problem scenario:  You want to copy a GitLab project from one instance of GitLab to a new instance of GitLab.  The Git repository you want to copy to a new GitLab server is not presented via the git://, http://, nor https:// protocols.    

Prerequisites:  You have root access to the back end of the server with the GitLab.

Method of Solution:
1)  Go to /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/root/<nameOfProject>.git  

2)  Copy it to a staging area of the destination server.

3)  Make sure every user has logged off the destination GitLab server.  This avoids confusion of shutting things down when someone is trying to check code in.

4)  Log into the web UI of the GitLab instance that is the destination of this copy task. Create a new project with the name <nameOfProject> (with no .git extension).  

5)  Go to the back end of the GitLab server that is the destination of this copy task.  As root run this command:
rm -rf /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/root/<nameOfProject>.git  

6)  Copy the file in step 2 to /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/root/

7)  Run this command:  chmod git:git /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/root/<nameOfProject>.git

8)  Stop the GitLab service.  Restart it.

How To Enter the Web UI of Gitlab CE without Setting Up Its Backend Email

Problem scenario:  When you bring up the web UI for GitLab CE (Community Edition) for the first time, you are prompted to enter a new password twice.  This password will be for the username.  If someone else set it up and failed to provide you with the username, and the back end email has not been configured, follow these directions.
Prerequisite:  You must have root access.
Solution:  As root, enter an interactive console (another set of prompts) and change the default user's password:

1) gitlab-rails console production
2) user = User.where(id: 1).first
3) user.password = 'ciNewPassword'
4) user.password_confirmation = 'ciNewPassword'

#Remember to change ciNewPassword in steps 3 and 4 to the new password you want.

Mostly taken from:

Having Two Docker Containers Share A Directory on the Host

Goal: You want two Docker containers to use the same file share on the Docker server from time to time.  

Problem/Error blocking goal:  In a Docker container, when you try to change directories to a directory that is on the Docker host (e.g., the docker container was created with the --volume flag), and you get an error "bash: cd <directoryname> permission denied," you have to run two commands to fix it.  An alternative problem is that you can cd into the directory, but when you try to list the files, you get "cannot open directory: Permission denied."  The same solution applies.

Solution:  From the Docker server, run these commands:
     su -c "setenforce 0"
     chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t </path/to/directoryname>

#where </path/to/directoryname> is the full path of the directory and its name

If you are running CentOS/RHEL/Fedora, you can avoid this problem after a reboot by doing the following on the Docker server itself:
1)  Create /etc/profile.d/
2)  Provide these three lines as its contents:
su -c "setenforce 0"
chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t </path/to/directoryname>

#where </path/to/directoryname> is the full path of the directory and its name