How Do You Use awk for String Replacement of Lines where the Word to Be Replaced Is in the Same Position?

Problem scenario
You want to substitute the nth word of a given line. How do you use awk to accomplish this?

Let’s assume the lines that you want to modify are in goodfile.txt. To replace the fourth item in the string with “new string”, run this command:

cat goodfile.txt | awk ‘{ print $1 ” ” $2 ” ” $3 ” new string ” $5 ” ” $6 }’

How Do You Troubleshoot a Bash Script Copied from the Internet?

You have one of the following two problems:

Problem scenario #1
Your GCP startup-script is not working. You do not know why. What should you do?


Problem scenario #2
A bash script is not working. It stops executing after a certain line. There are few clues as to what is wrong.

Did you copy the script from a webpage?

How Do You Get the “Up” Arrow to Show a Previous Command in Linux?

Problem scenario
When you press the up arrow on the keyboard you see ” ^[[A”. You want to see the previous command that was entered. How do you enable history at the command line?

Root cause: The /etc/passwd file has an entry like this:


(This could be caused if you created the user quickly with a useradd command.)


Run this command: sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep $(whoami)

Do you see a /bin/bash at the end?

How Do You Zero out a /var/log/mail File?

Problem scenario
You backed up /var/log/mail to a different file. You want the /var/log/mail file to start empty so you can review it without looking at old activity. What do you do?

Run these four commands:

sudo su –
cd /var/log

Now you /var/log/mail file will still exist and record activity as normal. It will not have anything in it before the time you ran the above “>

What Does “__” Mean in Python?

Problem scenario
You see two underscores or two underbars before a function in Python. What does this syntax signify?

Possible Solution #1
The answer is best explained by running this program once with no modification and a second time with a modification.

class ContintClass():
def __init__(self):
self.__completelyprivate = “1111111111”
self._semiprivate = “2222222”

foo = ContintClass()

print(“Above is an attempt to print a completely private data member of an object”)

print(“Below is an attempt to print a semi-private data member of an object”)

Before you run the program the second time,

How Do You Get the ElasticSearch, LogStash or Kibana Service to Remain On?

Problem scenario
The elasticsearch, logstash or kibana services will start, but when you check the status, it does not remain on. It keeps stopping. You see the status as “failed.”

Possible Solution #1
Add more memory or swap space to the system. If you need assistance with either of these, see this posting.

Possible Solution #2
Go to the logs directory for elasticsearch.