Problem scenario
You are trying to install Craft CMS, but when you go to the web browser, you see this:
HTTP 503 – Service Unavailable – craft\web\ServiceUnavailableHttpException
in /var/www/html/craft/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/Application.php
$actionSegs = $request->getActionSegments();
if (isset($actionSegs[0]) && $actionSegs[0] === 'install') {
return $this->_processActionRequest($request);
// Should they be accessing the installer?
if (!$isInstalled) {
if (!$isCpRequest) {
throw new ServiceUnavailableHttpException();
// Redirect to the installer if Dev Mode is enabled
if (YII_DEBUG) {
$url = UrlHelper::url('install');
or "Invalid Configuration"
What should you do?
In the directory in the URL that you get this message, try adding this: "index.php?p=admin/install "
The URL should be something like this (but repalce "FQDNofCraftCMSServer" with the appropriate DNS server): http://FQDNofCraftCMSserver/craft/web/index.php?p=admin/install