How Do You Install Rundeck?

Problem scenario
You want to set up Rundeck to see what it is like. How do you do this on a Debian distribution of Linux (e.g., Ubuntu, Kali Linux, or Linux Mint)?

Java must be installed. Use this posting if you need help with that. We recommend a 4 CPU server with at least 8 GB of RAM. If you need assistance with adding memory, see this posting.


  1. Run these commands:
curl -Ls > /tmp/rundeck_3.0.22.20190512-1.201905130100_all.deb
sudo dpkg /tmp/rundeck_3.0.22.20190512-1.201905130100_all.deb
  1. Update /etc/rundeck/ so the "grails.serverURL" stanza is like this where x.x.x.x is the external IP address of the web server (or the FQDN of the web server):


  1. Run these commands:
    sudo systemctl start rundeckd
    sudo systemctl enable rundeckd
  1. Open a web browser. Go to x.x.x.x:4440 (where x.x.x.x is the external IP address of the server).
  2. Log into the Rundeck web UI. The default credentials are admin / admin.

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